UR Aware Workshop + Coaching Package
University Of Northern Iowa
Keynote and Personal Coach

UR Aware Workshop + Coaching Package
University Of Northern Iowa
Keynote and Personal Coach
Rhonda Ware partnered with the University of Northern Iowa to provide an in-depth learning experience for student leaders, administrators and community partners.
We were excited to have Rhonda Ware spend the day with our University of Northern Iowa student interns and our community partners to focus on self-awareness and empowerment. Her positive mindset and reflection activities provided an atmosphere for our participants that inspired and empowered them to acknowledge their inner strength and to think and feel more critically and creatively about themselves and their future. Rhonda helped the participants see, through their own eyes, that the power to make real change lies within each one of them.
Alan HeisterKamp, Ed.dParticipants are empowered to
“I learned how important self-reflection is. We are so quick to pick out the bad and don’t take time to see the good. I really Enjoyed the one on one I got To have with Rhonda. It was informational. I want To start my own business and she really helped me think of things I haven’t Before. I figured out what my mission statement would be as well as the “why” to my business. I can’t thank her enough for this time I had.”
— Brianna P.
“The questions Rhonda gave to us to discuss helped me understand where I fit, meaning that even though we all said different things, each of us shared a perspective that, when working altogether, can empower us to make a big difference in our community. I got to face my “fear” of setting goals and understand that having them is all about pushing yourself to do better, and it’s not about limiting yourself.”
“I found my passion. Rhonda’s coaching session helped me think in a more concrete way about how I can make the work I’m passionate about a reality. I loved the questions and that I was writing answers down. It was a reminder of the things I needed to work on. Just by having this coaching session feels like I’m finally understanding my role in life and now I have the confidence to accomplish my goals.”
— Mirishahe S.
“My favorite part was being able to go around the room and everyone proudly sharing how we are special and different. This was such a healthy way to get our minds in the perspective of positivity and looking at ourselves from a growth mindset.”
“The one-on-one session was also an incredible opportunity as I am graduating in a couple days with no plans for the future. speaking with Rhonda gave me hope and encouragement that I can do whatever the Lord has laid on my heart — whether that’s starting a mentorship program, writing a book, or working in a church. Very thankful for this opportunity!”
Kristin S.
“The coaching session with Rhonda was helpful for me to reflect on myself and my ability towards making a change in society. Rhonda was positive about attempting to accomplish my goals which really motivated me to pursue them further.”
“Rhonda shared I must train my thoughts on making a plan to accomplish my goals. It was powerful to see how I can do things rather than merely talking about it. Rhonda’s reminder to be me was a powerful reminder.”
Tsering K.