UR Aware Speaking
Unity Gospel House of Prayer
Power of Prayer Brunch

UR Aware Speaking
Unity Gospel House of Prayer
Power of Prayer Brunch
“I knew that engaging Rhonda Ware as our guest speaker would be just what the ladies needed to catapult them into a new year of growth and purpose. Her passion, commitment, and delivery of life’s challenges resonated with so many women.”
As I scanned the audience, I saw women crying from beginning to ending. I have learned that nothing is great until a life is changed. The result of greatness is in the people you can impact with your life. Rhonda Ware’s presentation was GREAT!
Author Kimberly L., First Lady Unity Prayer and Gospel Church, Wisconsin, USA
“Rhonda Ware helped me to understand that in some of the worst times in my life, God wasn’t showing me that He didn’t love me, He was re-routing me. She helped me to understand that I could no longer hold on to dead things and that I had to repent in order to be renewed and ultimately restored. Prayer is the key to my restoration. There is Power in Prayer!”
Kara H.
“Rhonda Ware inspired the woman of Unity Gospel House Prayer as she equipped us to deal with changes that happen in life. One of the lessons Rhonda’s workshop reminded me of was that God would not bring us to a path He will not get us through. Many times while in the midst of a challenging situation, I focus on the circumstance and forget the many times God has shown up in the past and gave me the victory. What was refreshing was Rhonda’s ability to be vulnerable by using real life testimonies to illustrate how God will reroute us in order to restore us.”
LaKetta C.