I Matter!
“My journey with Rhonda Ware was difficult at times, yet rewarding. It required great introspection that resulted in critical eye-opening moments.”
I realized that negative thoughts and beliefs have contributed to stagnation in my life – personally and professionally. But no more! Through working with Rhonda, I have truly learned the meaning of believing in myself and believing that I can accomplish great things in every aspect of my life.
I’ve also learned that it’s not only OK for me to reclaim my goals and dreams and everything else God has for me, but it’s actually a necessity in order for me to positively and effectively contribute to and help others including my family, friends, co-workers and the community. The biggest lesson: I MATTER! I have great gifts to offer to others.
I’m excited to see what my future holds.
Carol N.,
Talent, Organization Development & Change Management Consultant,
Briggs and Stratton, Wisconsin, USA