I Found My Voice
“Rhonda guides you to the realization that your dreams are obtainable.”
We all need people to speak life into our dreams. Especially when there are more people anticipating us to abandon them. That is what Rhonda does. Rhonda doesn’t just speak life to merely reignite your dream. Rather, she guides you to the realization that your dreams are obtainable. She reminds you that it was a call placed on your heart that deserves to be cultivated and nourished. She reminds you that there are options. She gives you insight on how to navigate through the people who don’t believe what you already know.
My life has been a series of fortunate events upon beginning to pursue my passion to sing. The invitations to sing come so regularly now that I have actually had to turn some away so that I am able to continue working on my first solo project. My performances have included a 20 minute solo set at the Prince Uncovered Show. I am working on my EP. I’ve grown into myself this year in ways that I couldn’t have anticipated and have found a voice that I didn’t really know I’ve had. Following my calling has brought me closer to the energies that feed and nourish me, they give me space and permission to continue. It’s actually become so much a part of me that it’s hard to communicate. I just am an artist. Regardless of what the days bring I am sure of that now, I can’t say I would have said that a year ago.
We all have purpose, regardless of where we are in life and it can be brought to fruition. I tell everyone who will listen about Rhonda. Everyone needs a Rhonda in their lives. Reach out you won’t regret it.
Cree Myles, Singer Songwriter