Kareeda Chones Aguam

“From a discovery phase to identifying and expressing my leadership and entrepreneurial gifts, Rhonda has helped me fully embrace what I want for myself, my family, my organization and my clients.”

Rhonda Ware’s coaching has been a blessing to me, my current position, and my future endeavors. From a discovery phase to identifying and expressing my leadership and entrepreneurial gifts, Rhonda Ware has helped me fully embrace and execute what I want for myself, my family, my organization, and my clients. She has fortified my understanding of my purpose and gifts and how to use them to transform my life. I feel empowered to create my personal path to success, which is what life is all about. I owe this awakening to Rhonda’s coaching.

—Kareeda Chones Aguam,
Senior VP Partner & Strategy Management, Milwaukee Bucks & Fiserv Forum

Honors and Award Recognition:
2016 Marquette University Young Alumna of the Year Award

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