Breaking Through Barriers
“I thank Rhonda for helping me to push beyond my self-set limits, freeing me to consistently share my gifts and talents.”
When I approached Rhonda Ware for assistance it was because I wanted some ideas on how to advocate for myself personally and professionally. Rhonda helped me by coaching me to narrow in on my true purpose and ultimate passion in life. Rhonda taught me that by fully showing up every day and living my true purpose I am indeed advocating for myself.
The results have been amazing. Once I fully tuned into my passion and began showing up every day as my true self I became stronger and more present in my life. Between our sessions Rhonda had me do activities like setting my intention for the day and setting aside time to be reflect and be grateful. Through much practice, these moments are becoming second nature and I am able to determine how I want my day to go instead of leaving it to chance.
Rhonda was able to help me realize where I was stuck and holding onto barriers I set up in my past. She coached me to break through these barriers myself and become unstuck. I thank Rhonda for helping me to push beyond my self-set limits, freeing me to consistently share my gifts and talents.
Karen F., Site Manager – Linda & Fred Wein Center for Gan Ami Early Childhood Education
Wisconsin, USA