Professional and Personal Transformation
“I sincerely want to thank Rhonda for helping me learn the necessary tools that will alter in a wonderful way the landscape of my personal and professional legacy!”
I have to admit that while I have always loved the concept of coaching and know many great leaders of today have boasted about how the experience is life-changing, I was uncertain how the experience was going to help me through the toughest transition my organization was facing, how Rhonda Ware would get to know me as a leader, and how I would be simultaneously supported and nudged – all while I was still just settling into my new role as CEO at Sophia’s Heart Foundation. Working with Rhonda however, gave me the opportunity to model in a very clear way ongoing professional growth. On day one, I was blown away by how quickly Rhonda was deftly able to get a read on me as a professional and individual, the design of my organization, the intersections of my experience, my skills and talents, and my charge as the CEO.
Her amazing ability to help me sort through my strengths, see clearly areas needing attention, and open the door to creating opportunity was a God-send. She introduced me to the concepts of being present and making space for what is important in my life and what I want professionally so I may rise to the next level of performance as a leader. Rhonda’s coaching was valuable to me as I strove to move the organization in the right direction.
I gained so much from Rhonda and UR Aware’s 9-month Leadership Intensive Program that after I left Sophia’s Heart, I re-engaged Rhonda to continue to coach me as I was starting my own company.
During this 14 session coaching cycle, Rhonda empowered me to review my goals and interactions and make substantive changes in how I engage in leadership, helping me to successfully transition into the next chapter in my life. With my newly honed skills, I have made adjustments resulting in positive results in starting my own business. The indispensable information I received from Rhonda will continue to serve me as a continue to expand my personal and professional brand as the owner of Write Resources, LLC.
If you are looking to make lasting changes in your life that will make you a better leader in every aspect of your life, contact Rhonda today.
Lakesha J., Founder and Principal Grant Writer, Write Resources, LLC
What others think of Lakesha’s Success
“As as a member of the Board of Trustee’s for Sophia’s Heart Foundation, I have had the pleasure of watching Lakesha Jones’ grow the organization with such confidence over time. Her confidence in the ability to lead this organization to success became more evident once she enlisted the support of Rhonda who provided her with incredible executive leadership coaching. Rhonda had the ability to draw upon Lakesha’s strengths in a way that provided Lakesha the opportunity to highlight her talents to the Board of Trustees. Sophia’s Heart saw its largest growth under the leadership of Lakesha and the guidance of Rhonda’s executive leadership expertise.”
Tracy M., Board of Directors, Sophia’s Heart Foundation