Confidence to Leap
“Like a springboard, Rhonda Ware helped me find my confidence, build my confidence, and then leap. I am now willing to leap so that I can find what makes me happy.”
At some point, perseverance becomes perverse. Sometimes you need an outside perspective to realize that you have reached that point. You insist on “finishing,” what you started so no one (mostly yourself) can call you a quitter, so that you can avoid the discomfort and risks that come with stepping outside of your comfort zone, not that your comfort zone is all that comfortable. How long should you “preserve,” for the sake of not being a quitter, not taking risks, and not being uncomfortable? I realized that by doing just that I was being a quitter (giving up on what I really wanted without ever even starting), I was taking risks (risks involving my own personal happiness and sense of accomplishment), and I was uncomfortable and unhappy.
Sometimes you need an outside perspective to give you the confidence to leap. Like a springboard, Rhonda Ware helped me find my confidence, build my confidence, and then leap. I am now willing to leap so that I can find what makes me happy. Although my “leaps” at times feel more like playground hops, it has been fascinating to see how seemingly small moments of being true to myself empowers others to do the same.
Lindsey G., J.D., Attorney, Wisconsin, USA