Leadership Transformation
“Through Rhonda pushing me, and providing valuable techniques and space to further define me, I realized who I truly am in this season in my life.”
I will never be the same after being coached by Rhonda Ware. During the first round of coaching sessions with Rhonda, she challenged me. Although I showed up already a powerhouse, Rhonda took me on a journey that led to me being clear about God’s purpose in my life. Rhonda simply would not allow me to settle in my comfort zone. She was in support of the person that I couldn’t see yet.
After clearing out thoughts and beliefs that no longer served me, I learned to stop allowing the past to hold me hostage. Everything that didn’t belong in my future had to go. The result: I walked into a new job in a leadership position in December 2016 and in less than a month was promoted. In addition, I launched my business L3 Power ( I am life. I am light. I am love). Through pushing me, providing valuable techniques and space to further define me, I realized who I truly am in this season in my life.
During the second round of coaching with Rhonda, it has been all about taking action. Rhonda has coached me from a place of understanding of who I am to ways to effectively use my power to be strategic, change outcomes and make a greater impact in my role at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee and as the President and CEO of L3 Power. Mighty but humble, I am Tamara Key, my mission is to help people HEAL. I am serving my community in a powerful way.
If you are looking to receive valuable techniques and tools to shift out of your comfort zone into your destiny zone and be stretched to greatness along the way, contact Rhonda Ware of UR Aware today.
Tamara K.
Senior Area Director, Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee
and President and CEO, L3Power
Wisconsin, USA
Does this story resonate with you and your desire to take things to the next level?
Request a complimentary 20-minute coaching session with Rhonda M. Ware today.