Empowered To See My True Potential
“Rhonda challenged me to look beyond the old story I kept telling myself and gave me the tools to truly see my potential and get myself where I wanted to be.”
How has Rhonda helped me? This question has been swirling around my head. I wanted to think of some brilliant response that would break the mold. But the answer is simple: Rhonda saw me. I cannot explain how important it is to someone who feels like they are lost and unseen to actually have someone see you. Rhonda did not let me accept the “I don’t know” that I kept telling myself. “I don’t know” had been the phrase I told myself about my life, dreams, and my desires. After telling myself it enough, I started to believe it. Rhonda challenged me to look beyond the old story I kept telling myself and she gave me the tools to truly see my potential and get myself where I wanted to be.
When I dwelled on any mistakes or road blocks, Rhonda sat with me and helped me see the bigger picture and how I could maneuver around what I saw as the road blocks. I was able to be vulnerable with Rhonda, and share my truth because Rhonda provided a space where she empowered me to embrace who I am.
Today, I reflect upon who I was the day before I met Rhonda. I was scared. I was scared of not using my potential. I was scared of failure. I was scared of not fulfilling my dreams. After meeting Rhonda, I now understand that failure is in not living my truth. Rhonda has helped me find a stronger sense of self, so I don’t get lost in what’s happening around me. Through working with Rhonda, I have become a better version of myself, and I’m accomplishing things that I once didn’t believe were possible.
Rhonda helps changes lives by changing the way we think about ourselves. I am forever grateful for her guidance.
Amy W., M.Ed., Assistant Director Social Justice Programs of UW-Madison, and former MultiCultural Center Program Coordinator, Humboldt State University
Wisconsin and California, USA
Does this story resonate with you and your desire to take things to the next level?
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