7 Steps to Living the Life You Desire

I am often asked what steps I took to create and live the life I desire. I followed specific steps that shifted me from living someone else’s dreams to identifying and living my own. My clients who have fully committed to using the following steps as a blueprint to live the life they desire have experienced improvements in every aspect of their lives.
1. Be yourself.

We are all born with unique gifts. The key is to get clear on what your unique gifts are and then share them with the world. Being yourself, instead of an imitation of someone else, is the key that unlocks the door to living an authentic life.
2. Get a clear vision.

In order to be successful, you must get clear on what you want and why. If you are not quite sure, spend some time reflecting on the question “What would my life look like without any limitation—financial or otherwise?” You will be amazed at how this one question will send you on a journey to creating a vision for the life you desire.
3. Dream bigger.

I always tell my clients that they should pursue the big dream, not the dream they feel comfortable talking about to make everyone around them feel comfortable. Remember, there are no limitations except the ones we choose to accept. As they say, go big or go home!
4. Start where you are and do what you can with what you have.

Once you have a clear vision, begin taking the steps to make your vision your reality. For me, once I understood that my passion was to teach women to create and live the life they truly desire, I started working with women to do just that. Before I had a company, an office and a website, I met with women in a local coffee shop and helped them create a blueprint for their lives. Starting where I was led to where I am today.
5. Get your ducks in a row.

Once you know what you want your life to look like, start preparing for it. For instance, if you want to start your own business, start reading Entrepreneur magazine and Inc. magazine. Define what products and services you will offer. Create a name and logo. Start working on what you want your website to look like. Preparation is necessary to achieve and sustain the life you desire.
6. Hard work makes the dream work.

Achieving the life you desire can be simple but it is not easy. Hard work makes the dream work. The blessing is that once you are in alignment with your unique gifts and how to best share them with the world, it really doesn’t feel like “work” at all. You are simply doing what you must do to build something you passionately believe in.
7. Rejoice. Reset. Repeat.

Once you are living the life you want, take the time to rejoice. Be proud that you are living an authentic life tailored just for you. After you rejoice, understand that at some point down the road, you will enter into a season where your passions and purpose expand. When that season arises, reset and then repeat what you have done to continue to accomplish your goals and dreams and live your best life.
Rhonda M. Ware, J.D. is a speaker, writer and advocate who has raised awareness regarding issues including diversity, equity and inclusion, professional and personal development and men’s violence against women. Rhonda is a life and career coach who has equipped emerging and established leaders across the country with tools to excel in life and business. Rhonda is an attorney, with government and law firm experience, that currently uses her experience to provide meaningful counsel to law firm partners and law firm leadership. Rhonda has received numerous awards including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Forty Under 40 Award, DePaul University’s 14 Under 40 Award, the Wisconsin Bar Association’s Pro Bono Award, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Women of Influence Award. Learn More >>