An Important Lesson Learned from Trying Something New

Katharine Hepburn once said: “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” These are wise words I strongly encourage you to apply to your life.I followed the “rules” in my own life and was successful, but other people’s definition of success wasn’t enough. I wanted more for myself. I decided to break the “rules” that other people set for my life. I started asking myself the big questions:
What is my purpose?
What are my passions?
What kind of life do I truly desire for myself and my family?
When I got clear about what I wanted my life to look like and why, I went for it.
I became an entrepreneur, coach, speaker and writer. The decision I made to create a life authentically tailored for me was the best decision I ever made. And I am having fun!
I know you can relate to my story. You followed all the rules. You worked the plan and it seemed to work for you. Then, one day you realized that although you achieved a form of success, you wanted something more but didn’t know quite how to get there. For today, reflect on Katherine Hepburn’s words. Instead of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, make a decision to break a rule or two and try something new.
Instead of checking in with your friends and family about what your life should look like, ask yourself what you really want in life and why. Then give yourself permission to explore how to create and live the life you desire.
You will be surprised to find the life that awaits you when you open yourself up to manifesting your authentic power and potential.
Don’t miss out on all the fun!
Rhonda M. Ware, J.D. is a speaker, writer and advocate who has raised awareness regarding issues including diversity, equity and inclusion, professional and personal development and men’s violence against women. Rhonda is a life and career coach who has equipped emerging and established leaders across the country with tools to excel in life and business. Rhonda is an attorney, with government and law firm experience, that currently uses her experience to provide meaningful counsel to law firm partners and law firm leadership. Rhonda has received numerous awards including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Forty Under 40 Award, DePaul University’s 14 Under 40 Award, the Wisconsin Bar Association’s Pro Bono Award, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Women of Influence Award. Learn More >>