Clear the Clutter: Make Room for the Life You Desire
This summer I donated what some might consider to be an unbelievable amount of clothes, shoes, and accessories to the Goodwill. What prompted me to donate so many items was that: 1) my closet was overflowing, 2) the laundry was backed up, and 3) it was taking me way too long to find something to wear in the morning. The saddest part of all was that I had a difficult time finding the clothes, shoes, and accessories that I really liked to wear because they were hidden underneath the clothes, shoes, and accessories that no longer served me.
Clearing out the clutter in our closets is analogous to clearing out the clutter in our emotional lives. What thoughts and beliefs about yourself are you holding onto today that no longer serve you? I am sure that some thoughts and beliefs that you have about yourself served you well last year, last week or even yesterday. But today is a new day and if the thoughts and beliefs you have do not serve you today, let them go. If you do, you will make room for thoughts and beliefs that will nurture your dreams, expand your possibilities and empower you to pursue the life that you truly desire.