Decisions Give You Success

We are presented with choices every day. What we eat, where we work, who we spend time with, and how we live.
Choices give us opportunities, but all choices do not have successful outcomes.
In order to make the right choices for our lives, we must get clear about the life we truly want and commit to pursuing it. Your choices should always aim towards achieving your life goals. If they do, you will confidently make the right decisions to accomplish your dreams and become your highest and best self.
Rhonda M. Ware, J.D. is a speaker, writer and advocate who has raised awareness regarding issues including diversity, equity and inclusion, professional and personal development and men’s violence against women. Rhonda is a life and career coach who has equipped emerging and established leaders across the country with tools to excel in life and business. Rhonda is an attorney, with government and law firm experience, that currently uses her experience to provide meaningful counsel to law firm partners and law firm leadership. Rhonda has received numerous awards including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Forty Under 40 Award, DePaul University’s 14 Under 40 Award, the Wisconsin Bar Association’s Pro Bono Award, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Women of Influence Award. Learn More >>